Sin Bin Hockey Sticks


A co-worker of mine has a group of gals she goes to hockey games with, called the Sin Bin Gang.  We were brainstorming ideas for things they could take with them on the walk, and we came up with some prop hockey sticks with their nicknames.

Each one is two layers of laser-cut foam-core glued together, and I ran off some decals on the vinyl cutter.  All in all, they look pretty sharp.  Being made from foam core means that they are super-light, which is handy on a long walk; but it also means they’re pretty fragile, and will easily dent or tear under any kind of abuse.

I also cut some extra vinyl stickers, and recommended that they decorate them as they see fit.  I also put their actual names on the back in the same style font as their nickname on the front:


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